Dress is not only a medium for self-expression, but also a response to one’s socio-cultural environment.
How does our relationship to our  culture express itself through what we put on our bodies?


I am a Chinese Indonesian born in Singapore. My mom is full Indonesian. It was her parents that moved to Singapore from Indonesia when they were kids. My dad is half Indonesian, half Singaporean, but he's been living in Singapore his whole life.

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I'm a Singaporean-born Chinese and my religious background is Buddhist. My family is full Chinese as well, and I’m currently living with my grandparents.

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I'm Malay. That's to put it simply. But I am of Malaccan and Minangkabau descent, so my dad's Malaccan and my mom is of Indonesian descent. My grandparents from my mom's side, came down to Singapore during the war.

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I'm Eurasian – a mix of Portuguese, Irish, German and Chinese. My grandparents and parents were born in Singapore.

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I grew up in Hong Kong and half my family were third generation Hong Kong-ers. Some of my family came from the southern Canton provinces in China. My mum was born in Singapore and my dad was born in Hong Kong.

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I am Boyanese on my father's side. Both my grandparents are from there. My mother is Bugis.

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I'm Malay with Bugis ethnicity. My dad is a Bugis and my mom is Javanese. My grandparents came from Demak, a town in Central Java, Indonesia.

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I am in my late 30s. That's where we're going to be at. I wear many hats. I'm an educator, I'm an image maker. I am a fashion director and presenter.

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I'm the programme leader of the diploma and creative direction for fashion at LaSalle College of the Arts. I'm also a DJ, a musician, an artist and a one-time fashion designer. I'm currently doing research on the punk subculture in Singapore from the years 1992 to 2007.

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My name is Firdaus, thirty four years old. I have a brand called vetiver. And I also work adjunct as a lecturer in LASALLE School of Fashion.

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Hello, my name is Punita. I'm 18 years old. I'm studying diploma in creative direction for fashion in LASALLE

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Hey, my name is Nicole. I'm 22 this year and I'm studying creative direction for fashion.

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My name is Lakyn San, but please call me Tina. I'm a teen fashion student in LASALLE. I'm Vietnamese, so I'm not a local Singaporean.

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Hi, I'm Amy, I'm 18 years old. Right now I'm studying in LASALLE in creative direction for fashion.

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My name is Belle. I'm turning 23 this year, and I am a full time student in LaSalle.

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Hi, I'm Camellia. I'm turning 20 this year. And I'm currently studying Creative Direction in fashion at LASALLE.

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Hi, my name is Telia. I'm LASALLE student in the fashion diploma. And I'm French.

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My name is Johera. I am a Singaporean born Malay, and my dad is from Javanese and my mom is Boyanese.

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