
20s, Student

Hey, my name is Nicole. I'm 22 this year and I'm studying creative direction for fashion.

What’s your family’s cultural background?

I have stayed in Singapore for all my life. My dad is a Singaporean Chinese and my mom is Malaysian Chinese.

"I think my relationship with the Singaporean identity can be represented through Singlish."

What’s your relationship with the Singaporean identity?

I resonate with the Singapore culture because of how safe it is. But I think my relationship with the Singaporean identity can be symbolised through Singlish. I've been using Singlish in primary school, even right now. When I'm talking to my friends who are locals, like, I feel like I belong to their group because I speak Singlish. Even though Il see like a difference between the Singaporean Chinese and Malaysian Chinese in terms of accent. As Singaporean Chinese, we don't really speak Chinese often as much as Malaysian Chinese. So, whenever I go to Malaysia to see my relatives or my mom family side, I will have difficulty talking in Chinese to them. But, with Singlish, it really makes me feel like I belong.

Tell us about your chosen objects

I chose this earring, which have like a bit of fish design and also have colours blue and white. It reminds me of Chinese porcelain bowls and plates. It's make out of upcycled ornaments or pendant, which I think represents both Chinese and contemporary culture that influences me.

They have this white and blues in them and details of fishes. I chose this because as I grew up, I've become more interested in the designs of Chinese porcelain bowls. I liked the design, it makes me nostalgic for some reason.

" I chose this because as I grew up, I've become more interested in the designs of Chinese porcelain bowls. I liked the design, it makes me nostalgic for some reason."

Are there any external influences that have shaped your cultural identity?

Yeah definitely, like pop cultures, the songs that I listen to, R&B or rap and other genres. Also the movies that I watch. The YouTube videos that I watch also influenced the way I talk and also influenced the hangout places that meet my friends at.But for me, R&B music is where it’s at. It allows me to express myself in a certain way. When I listen to them, it just hits different. And the movies that I watch like fantasy and sometimes a bit of horror. These things kind of helps me to find my girlfriend as well.

What are your thoughts on labels placed on one's racial or ethnic identity? 

I will say it's quite interesting the way I interpret where they have labels like, Chinese American. I feel even these two words being separated, it feels like they are united from two different identities. When placed together, it forms a new identity. So I am always fascinated in people who have mixed backgrounds, and I would like want to talk to them more, because I find the life they've been through or like the cultures they are in is very different from mine. I feel more curious about how they go through their everyday life.